1970 Honda CB350 Super Sport Motorcycle Restoration

This is the bike that got me started with restoring old vintage motorcycles. I got lucky with this one! It was the perfect bike to start this new hobby of mine. It was almost 100% complete and pretty much unmolested. A true original survivor that served as a great introduction for me. The engine was free. It actually started, well mostly. It needed some love, so I jumped in and did a full, frame-up restoration. I paid $1,200 for the bike and probably put more money into it than I had to. I didn't keep good records on this one but I'd estimate I put in around $2,000 by the time it was done. This is the bike that I cut my teeth on. The one that taught me many lessons. And the one that ignited a passion for vintage Hondas.
Unfortunately, there isn't a YouTube Playlist for this build. Again, it was my first motorcycle restoration. My first motorcycle, period. I did take more than 1,000 photos though. Those photos are something that I still reference to this day!